The Journey....
I was a single mother, I moved back into my parents house with almost nothing, except my daughter. Going back to the house that I grew up in was scary because I felt like I'd failed. I felt ashamed that I had chosen a life for myself that didn't make me happy.
However, the most beautiful part was that by letting everything fall apart I learnt so much about love. To me, to love is to live. It is impossible to separate one from the other!
Now that I've faced my inner demons and my own shadows, I've come to a place where yes, of course, sometimes things still get me down, but whatever happens does not have power over me. I know that I always have the freedom to come back to unconditional love because it's always there within me... Just as it is within all of us!
I created Mind Matter Magic because the things I've learnt have helped me to transform my relationships and my life on such a deep level. I know that the mistakes that I've made will create so much emotional freedom for you too.
Don't hesitate to reach out to me, I'd love to talk to you!