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Earlier in my life I acted from ego way too much of the time and I created a life that I wanted to escape from!


The ego is the voice inside our head that judges everything about the present moment. Ego usually focuses on the negative aspects because it's main job is to protect us or to keep us alive. Life becomes stressful & limited if our ego is running the show.


More than anything the ego wants to avoid discomfort! The problem with this is that the jouney through discomfort is the ONLY way to EMOTIONAL FREEDOM and CONNECTION TO SOUL!


When we align with our soul we have access to our own internal guidance system and unconditional love. Our highest life path becomes available if we learn how to connect to our inner knowning.


That's right, I am not here to tell you what to do, I am here to teach you how to connect you back to YOUR SOUL so that you know the right way for YOU! 


The specific purpose of these workshops are to CONNECT YOU BACK TO YOUR SOUL so that you can create a life that you desire based on YOUR SOUL'S DESIRES!



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